Scuba Gear Yard Sale

From: 5/4/2025 To: 5/6/2025 (Starts in 40 Days)
Address: 18018 Voss Rd Bent Tree West Swim and Tennis Club parking lot Dallas, Texas United States 75287
Contact: Scubadillo Dive club
Are you planning to buy a new or used wetsuit? Maybe some fins? How about an underwater camera, mask, snorkel or other scuba diving gear and toys? Or maybe you have all that to sell. Only scuba dive-related items, including underwater cameras and photography equipment. No kitchenware, furniture, antiques or collectibles. Vendors will be either dive clubs or individual divers who have amassed a “store full” of items that need a new home. Interested in selling? The 10’X10’ spaces are in the clubhouse parking lot. You’ll need to provide your own tables, chairs, etc. You’re welcome to set up a popup tent. Rental for a 10’X10’ spot is $10 for paid Scubadillo members, $20 for non-members. Register here:
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